• The Management is conscious of the sufferings of the parents in sending their children to far off Schools for the CBSE system of Education.
  • Having seen that the tiny tots are sent in vehicles in the early morning- 6.30A.M, 7.00A.M etc., and imagining that the small children are denied of a good Break Fast in the early hours of the morning and the resultant problems, both sentimental and physical, it has been thought of starting a CBSE school in Periyar Nagar itself which is very near to their door step. Accordingly sincere effort has been taken to provide a CBSE system of School and the building required for the purpose has been constructed in a very suitable manner with all amenities.
  • Now it is for the parents to avail the facility for their loving children very near to their residence.
  • As far as our Society is concerned our functioning is purely social service without any profit motive. So, the institution will give all the facilities required by the students in a very equitable manner in proportion to the fees paid by them. It is our cherished wish that the people of the Periyar Nagar and neighborhood should benefit out of the benevolent service of our Society.
  • The Management has got the high and lofty ideal of providing a noble Education which would be useful for building up an ideal individual and a successful citizen in the future.
  • The Management is aware of the fact that Education with discipline is an ideal Education and we would be striving hard to achieve this objective.

About us

The Periyar Nagar Government Servants Co-operative House Sites Distribution Society started Periyar English Nursery and Primary School in June 1981.